The construction magazines you should be reading - We Change Minds

The construction magazines you should be reading


Staying up to date with the latest construction trends, technologies and news is vital, but can be time-consuming, particularly when digital platforms offer a wealth of information in various formats. With so much information out there, it can be hard to know which sources to trust, or how to set your business apart from competitors.


Long established print publications have a dedicated readership with professionals from different disciplines seeking in-depth industry analysis, the latest technologies and expert insights from real-world case studies. Publishing houses have spent years building their authority and credibility, so readers can trust that the content shared is interesting and valuable.

Being featured in these outlets can therefore enhance a business’ reputation in the industry, while appearing on the digital versions of these sites can help reach a broader audience and build online authority.


The construction industry trade media covers a diverse range of disciplines, applications and insights, and each magazine has different specialisms and approaches.

For the latest news — Construction News

This is the leading resource for industry news, covering a range of topics like safety and compliance, technological advancements, skills development and more. As well as its print magazine, Construction News runs events throughout the year and hosts its own podcast.

For thought leadership – Building

Building provides insightful commentary, analysis and thought leadership pieces on architecture, design, sustainability and project management.

Featuring in this title can help companies showcase their expertise to over 88,000 industry professionals and over 300,000 online users, with readership ranging from board members to contractors.

For architectural expertise — RIBA Journal

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Journal offers in-depth discussion of architectural design, trends and projects in the UK. The journal offers insightful commentary, thought leadership and exclusive interviews with industry leaders about ongoing trends, providing a valuable resource for architectural professionals.

For the latest technology trends — PBC Today

Publishing house Pace Media operates a range of construction titles that provide insightful and informative content across the built environment.

PBC Today covers content across the industry, sharing information on the latest trends, such as project management or sustainability. The outlet also focuses on practical insights for construction professionals.

The publishing house also produces BIM Today, which showcases how businesses are leveraging the latest construction technologies, such as building information modelling (BIM) and digital twinning with interviews, case studies and specialist features.

These outlets are recognised for sharing quality, authoritative content that informs and educates professionals across the sector. Working with a specialist construction media relations agency can help leverage relationships with journalists to achieve positive coverage. Working with a PR agency equipped with a deep understanding of the media landscape — maybe not quite as far back as 1843 — can help construction companies to establish themselves as thought leaders among the noise.

Interested in appearing in some of these titles? Schedule a meeting to learn more about our construction PR expertise.

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