Rebranding agency | Brand strategy | Brand design
Branding agency represents branding strategy and branding design with a teal lady with a head made of pizza.


In the competitive worlds of engineering, technology and science, standing out is like trying to find a penguin in a snowstorm. So, it’s important that businesses are memorable. The best way to do this is with an eye catching, marketable brand strategy. So, what’s stopping you? 

 At Stone Junction, we don’t just focus on the visual identity. Our branding process is a blend of art and science, merging cutting-edge marketing theories with a new design. A new brand should encapsulate your businesses story, personality and promise. 

 With countless businesses vying for attention, why limit your rebrand to a superficial makeover? Painting the penguin orange might work but giving it a red rubber glove as a hat makes it so much more memorable.


Branding is crafting a distinct identity that embodies a business’s values, mission and essence. It’s a promise made to customers about what a business is providing. Rebranding, on the other hand, is a strategic evolution of a brand’s identity. As the market and culture changes, so too should the brand. A study found that 74 per cent of S&P global 100 companies have rebranded in the first seven years of trading, meeting the demands of their clients and customers.



Initial consultations

Branding begins with in-depth consultation. Engaging in conversation about your business allows us to grasp the essence of the brand, understand the future for the business and identify challenges. This initial discussion sets the foundation for the entire branding endeavour.



Using tried-and-tested marketing theories, we look at market dynamics, consumer behaviour and industry trends to determine what would work best for your business. This includes a deep dive into your target audience’s preferences, competitors’ strategies, and emerging patterns, serving as a basis for informed, market-led decision making.


Collaborative workshops

Using the research and consultation from our meetings, our experienced graphic design and PR teams transform these insights into tangible elements including logos, messaging and visual aesthetics. These sessions are done with both you and our PR team, allowing every decision to have a predictable, beneficial outcome based on proven market acumen.


Brand strategy

The strategies discussed in the collaborative workshops are then compiled into ‘brand books’. These books are used by our PR team to make sure that the marketing theories that make up your new brand identity are interlaced into every piece of marketing we produce. The brand book can also form the basis for all your internal work, creating a harmonious brand across all facets of your business.

What services do we offer?

Branding agency in a branding strategy meeting to discuss design for a client.


Embark on a transformative journey through our brand discovery workshops — collaborative sessions designed to get to the core of your business. By delving into discussions with you on your core values, mission and vision, these workshops concentrate your brands essence. Insights discovered here become the guiding principles of our branding strategies. Its not just about understanding your business, its about creating a something that represents who you are that is attention-grabbing and authentic.


Our expert team of PR experts and graphic designers, armed with the insights from the collaborative workshops, craft a visual identity that goes beyond aesthetics. From logos that symbolise your businesss journey to colour schemes designed to evoke your desired emotions, and typography that speaks volumes, each element is meticulously crafted and curated. Every glance will communicate the essence of your story.

A branding agency working on branding design and strategy, showing a designer hard at work
A designer from a branding agency consulting on branding design and strategy with colleague


Our team, armed with insights from the discovery workshops, develop core messages that resonate with your target audience. Every word is meticulously chosen to craft compelling messages and communication strategies that grab attention. It is about striking a chord with your audience, creating a dialogue that goes beyond transactions and forges connections.


The new branded identity takes its place across various touchpoints. From digital landscapes to tangible prints, our rollout strategy ensures consistent representation. Its not just a change, its about creating a lasting impact on every interaction.

the team rolling out a branding strategy


Curious about the real impact of branding with Stone Junction? Don’t just take our word for it, let’s hear from a happy client: 

“As a partner at a leading AI consultancy, selecting partners with credibility and pedigree is paramount. Our experience with Stone Junction was nothing short of superb. From the outset, the engagement was smooth, friendly, and they seamlessly integrated with us, feeling like a genuine extension of our team. The energy and creative buzz Stone Junction brought into our branding project was outstanding,” Jonathon Williams, CEO, Xerini. 

Don’t let your brand hide in the snowstorm, contact us for a consultation or check our services page to see what else we can offer.