With over 100 million users, five times as many subject areas, and the accolade of the second biggest reference site in the world, Quora’s future looks bright. This makes it a gold mine for businesses that want to position themselves as experts in their field, yet most brands are unaware of the benefits of this often-un-sung hero of digital marketing.
Puja Ramani, a former Facebook employee who runs product marketing at Quora, describes the platform as a ‘middle-of-funnel’ prospector. This means it can put brands in front of an audience that has more purchasing intent than those on other social media platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn. These prospective customers are looking for information on things they want to invest
in but are yet to reach that last ‘click-point’.
When creating content, one of the main goals is to position your brand as an authoritative voice on a chosen subject — and Quora can help achieve this. Businesses can sign-up to follow subjects related to their area of expertise, then offer free, impartial advice.
When composing a response to a question, be sure to include how your brand can help solve a particular problem. By including links back to the company website, inbound traffic is sure to soar.
While drafting an elegant response may take some time, once it’s published, it’s there to stay. Although, whether that content is relevant years down the line does depend on the sector you’re in, but as long as you create an informed, balanced and well-thought out response, it’s sure to help position your brand for many years to come.
Quora is also a valuable market research tool. The platform allows you to drill down into uncharted depths of specific topics, to see what people interested in the subject are talking about. From the gripes people have with using certain products and services, to solutions they wished existed and technologies that will become the next hot topic, Quora is great for scouting out what really matters to potential business leads.
While Quora is great for delving into the more obscure depths of the web, and searching for answers to some of life’s most philosophical questions, it’s also a pretty nifty platform for expanding your brand’s potential reach. So, when thinking of how you can take your content strategy to new levels, why not consider adding Quora to your social platform hitlist. You’d be a moron not to.
Want to position your brand as a problem solver? Email me on courtney@stonejunction.co.uk to find out how we can help consolidate your social media and online presence.
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